Best Kelong Seafood In Bintan Island
best kelong seafood in bintan island
Hi fellow travelers this time we are talking about the famous kelong seafood in bintan yes why and what is it with kelong seafood bintan island there may be questions from all of you well yes for on the island of bintan is very famous for culinary seafood because on bintan is a small island surrounded by the sea and incidentally very abundant seafood so do not be surprised dong if eating lau so the main menu on the island of bintan right and why the seafood restaurant should be called kelong yes of course we will explain local residents call kelong because on average the restaurant is above the water on the river or the sea so it will add to your enjoyment by enjoying the surrounding scenery and for seafood on average use the living there you will witness and usually choose fish or crabs that are still alive even lopster too and don’t forget to try sifood gong yes because it is the main menu on the island of bintan so it is quite clear why in bintan is very famous for its seafood and why it should be called kelong seafood.
oah yah maybe Some may ask where can enjoy eating at kelong seafood that is delicious and cheap compared to the hotel you stay for those of you who stay at lagoi resort tepan choice area you have to rent a taxi to get to the place in the village area about 20 to 30 minutes there you will find local kelong seafood and which one is delicious and good.
1. Bintan kelong brodhers seafood; with local Chinese style menu
2. Bintan family seafood; with Malay style menu.
3. Bintan kelong couyong seafood; with a local Chinese-style menu
That’s the closest place for those of you who live or stay in the Bintan Lagoi Resort area, just 20 to 30 minutes you can enjoy local kelong seafood and you can also stop by to buy souvenirs or minimarkets at local prices, we think that’s quite a bit of guidance from us, thank you very much and hopefully it will be useful.